Dhamma Service
Dhamma Pakasa, as well as every other Dhamma Center is solely run on the donation of old students who have benefited from the practice. All courses offered are generated through the dana of service, volunteer labor. Old students cook the meals, manage the course, and do everything needed so others may meditate peacefully. As an old student you are now able to give this dana of service and share you merits with others coming to learn.

It is therefore in one’s own interest to serve. Doing so develops one’s pāramīs (virtues) and makes it possible to advance more quickly and surely on the path. Serving others is, in fact, also serving oneself.”
~ S.N. Goenka
During a Course

To serve a ten-day course is a very special kind of service. It is an invaluable tool for strengthening your own practice and in the process you are helping others get the Dhamma. If you do not have a full 10 days to give time, even serving a portion of a course is a wonderful experience. Most of the hours of service are spent working, but servers also sit the three group sittings each day and can usually attend the discourse. Rest is always taken between 1:00 and 2:30 pm and servers end each evening with metta instruction. All tasks to be followed during a course are well laid out and instructions are easy to follow. No previous experience is necessary!
Applications for 10-day or part-time course service should be submitted ahead of time by using the course schedule page. Click on Apply and an option to serve will be provided on the second page during the application process.
Between Courses
The time between courses is an important time for service, as it is the time that the center is turned over and reorganized for the next course to start. The time is short (usually a Sunday through Wednesday) and there is always a lot to do. Tasks that occur between courses include laundry, room-checks, deep cleaning, kitchen and food preparation, and small maintenance jobs. Servers between courses will still sit the three group sitting per day, and if time and/or oversight permits, Dhamma videos might also be available in the evenings.
To apply for between course service, please visit the course schedule page and choose the course that you would like to serve. Click on Apply and an option to serve will be provided on the second page during the application process. On the application please be clear of your times and days of arrival and departure. If it is not clear, please feel free to contact the center directly for more details 815-489-0420.

Work Periods at the Center

Work Periods are a time for larger projects and deeper cleaning than what might get done in the short time between courses. It is a more relaxed time for servers and can be a great way to get to know fellow meditators and work on projects that might be of more personal interest to you. The work periods are longer and might require servers with a more specific skill base as well.
The three group sitting schedule is followed and discourses and/or videos are usually played in the evenings. Applying for a work period is much like applying for a course. Please vist the course schedule page and click on the Work Period as you would a regular course. For more specific information or to contact the committee head, please visit the committee page.
Offering Special Skills
Service from old students who have carpentry, engineering, architectural, electrical, painting, plumbing, technology, graphic design, writing, filmmaking, event planning etc. skills is often needed for specific projects, which can often be done remotely.
For more information about these opportunities, email the Dhamma Service Committee
Please complete this survey to share more details about your interest in serving

For any of the above service, please be sure to apply as stated. It is important to let us know in advance when you are coming to the center and a Dhamma Service Application Form is needed beforehand if you would like to spend the night. Any specific question about service can be directed to the Dhamma Service Committee and/or the Center Manager at 815-489-0420.