Illinois Vipassana Center 

Development Update 

February 2023

During December and January insulation, drywall, painting, acoustical ceilings, flooring, doors and hardware and finished wood trim out were essentially completed. 

With the activation of the in-floor heating system, we were able to make uninterrupted progress on the interior finishes of the new Dhamma Hall.

New Fire Water Pump installed 

New Dhamma hall interior

During these months, the HVAC systems were activated, electrical work including building lighting was completed, the fire alarm system was completed and tested, plumbing fixtures were installed and water was turned on to the Dhamma hall. Additionally, the new well servicing the expansion was turned on, the firewater pump was installed and the underground firewater main was flushed and is ready for service.

New Fire Water Pump House Interior
Women's Break Room

Looking ahead to February and March, interior trim work will continue, A/V systems will be installed, the firewater system will be activated and occupancy inspections will be called for in late February. We hope all old students will consider joining a work period, even if for only a day, from March 15-19 as the Center managers organize final clean-up and set up for our first course in the new Dhamma Hall. This will be a 3-day course beginning on March 22.

Center Entrance


Reflections On The New Dhamma Hall

In May of 2020, our old Dhamma hall burned down, followed by vandalism in our Dining hall building, a challenge that no Center has had to face. Through the efforts and contributions of so many old students in cleaning, organizing, planning, and designing, we were able to keep courses going under very difficult circumstances and are now nearing the completion of a new Dhamma hall. This will be a Refuge in Dhamma. What constitutes a Refuge? Thoughts of protection, devotion to a higher ideal of peace and harmony, and service to others come to mind. This building will not only offer shelter to students meditating on the Path to Enlightenment, it will also offer them protection from any real storms or tornadoes on the campus. It is built with geothermal heating, in harmony with our Master Plan for expansion of the Center, so as to help protect the environment for future generations of meditators. But most importantly, it is built with efforts and contributions out of devotion to the Path to Enlightenment.

These last qualities of Service and Devotion on the Path are what constitute the most important aspect of Refuge. Carrying through on the ideals that arise out of devotion brings confidence and support to those practicing Vipassana. Likewise, the Admirable Friendship on the Path of which the Buddha speaks so highly, also becomes an inspiration and refuge for those who may at times be struggling. Come and join us this year in meditation and service at the Center as we seek to re-establish the flow of Dhamma and the broader Vipassana community in the Midwest after these difficult years.

With Metta,

Dennis Austin, Teacher for Dhamma Pakasa

If you have the volition to provide financial support, the following link will give you access to the various methods in which to contribute.
Username : oldstudent               Password:behappy

Center Manager Positions Are Now Open

If you are an old student with the volition to do a long-term service at a Dhamma Center, we encourage you to consider the position of Center manager at the Illinois Vipassana Center (Dhamma Pakasa).  The general role of a center manager is to organize the maintenance of the Center and support servers throughout their activities at the Center. This can take the form of administrative support or hands-on instruction. In this varied and constantly changing role, it is always the goal of managers to apply the principles of the practice and be a role model for newer servers in approaching problems with ingenuity and energy, and above all, equanimity. It is important that candidates for Center Manager be well established in their practice and have experience in serving courses.

 The Trust would like potential center managers to make a commitment of six months to a year. In some cases, Center managers may be allowed to extend their service for up to one more additional year. Duties will involve close coordination with the Trust and Committees about the day-to-day operation of the center and needed improvements. It will be helpful if prospective center managers have their own transportation for off-duty periods. Serious meditators have found that service given in the center manager role quickly deepens their practice, preparing them for longer courses, and providing a thorough understanding of how Centers and Center Trusts operate.
If you are interested in applying or learning more, please send an email to [email protected] 

The practice of generosity (Dana) was a primary teaching of

the Buddha, one of the TenQualities (parami) that help a meditator pass through suffering and experienceNibbana. It helps the householder meditator realize they are not only working for theirown benefit and financial success, but that our success is also built on the efforts andsuccess of so many others in this life and we share our Gratitude for this. Providing Dana(financial support or service) for Center development generates merit for the donor from the thousands more students who will be allowed to enter on the Path

of Dhamma inensuing years, as well as by developing a greater maturity in Dhamma from working inthe best possible environment for meditation.

Best wishes

Illinois Vipassana Meditation Center, Dhamma Pakasa

Street Address: 10076 Fish Hatchery Road, Pecatonica, IL 61063

Tel. [1] 815 489-0420 Fax [1] (360) 283-7068