  December, 2015


Septic Completion, Prairie Planting and Barn Removal Mark Progress in Center Expansion Plan
- 2015 marks an important change in Dhamma Pakasa�s path of development.   The Center has taken its first steps in establishing the infrastructure needed for future expansion. Designs for a septic system supporting 150 occupants were approved, and the leach field installation was completed in the southern five acres (purchased a year ago for this purpose)
Read more.

spetic system installation
  Excavating for new septic field. 
Dhamma Pakasa Seeks Center Manager  -A position will be opening for Center Manager at the Illinois Vipassana Center. The general role of a Center Manager is to organize the maintenance of the Center and support servers through the processes of course service. This can take the form of administrative support or hands-on instruction. In this varied and constantly changing role, it is always the goal of managers to apply the principles of the practice and be a role model for newer servers in approaching problems with ingenuity and energy and above all, equanimity. It is important that candidates for Center Manager be well established in their practice and have experience in serving several courses. Read More. 
Upcoming Events and Dhamma Visuddhi
*Short courses for Old Students
This is a good way to support your practice, especially if you�re having trouble getting to a 10-day course.
One Day Courses: 
Saturday December 12, and 
Saturday February 27
Three Day Course: February 10 � 14.
The 3-day course begins Wednesday night and ends Sunday morning. 
Apply online at http://www.visuddhi.dhamma.org/schedule.htm

*Dhamma Service Opportunities
Serving a course (either full or part-time) is a great way to strengthen your meditation practice.  Servers are needed for the following courses:
November 18 � 29, 2015
December 26, 2015 � January 6, 2016
Please consider serving a course at any time this year, either full or part time, by reviewing the course schedule for 2016.  Servers are always welcomed.

Please see schedule and sign up at: http://www.visuddhi.dhamma.org/schedule.htm

*Center Service Period � February 24-26
(Followed by 1-Day course, Saturday, February 27)
This service period will include projects of all varieties and skill levels including painting, helping to bring the mansion back to its original look,cooking, and general cleaning. 
If you can come at some time during this period, please apply on line: http://www.visuddhi.dhamma.org/schedule.htm 
.This is always a wonderful time to help with projects around the center, prepare for the coming courses, be part of a group of Dhamma workers, and experience the benefits of spending time in a Dhamma environment.

*Trust Meeting
Please join us Sunday, November 29 for a Trust meeting at Dhamma Visuddhi.  All Old Students are welcome. Group sitting from 9:30 -10:30 am with the meeting to follow.

May all beings be happy! - Dhamma Visuddhi Board of Trustees, Minnesota Vipassana Association 
PO Box 4061 St. Paul, MN 55104 
  Email: [email protected]

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username : oldstudent  
password : behappy


Winter Service Opportunities at Dhamma Pakasa

Greetings Old Student! We hope this finds you healthy, happy, and enjoying fall. In preparation for winter, we are writing to let you know about winter service opportunities at Dhamma Pakasa in Illinois.
All Vipassana centers in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin as taught by S.N. Goenka are run primarily by Dhamma servers/volunteers. All centers are dependent on this voluntary service so that 10-Day Vipassana Meditation Courses are freely available to those who wish to learn the art of living.
When a Vipassana meditator gives Dhamma service, she/he develops the qualities of selfless service, and through this service, shows gratitude for the gift of Dhamma that they have received. Servers meditate a minimum of three hours per day and have the opportunity to meet with the Assistant Teachers to discuss meditation questions. Read more.

Prairie plantings in replanted fields at Dhamma Pakasa.

outbuilding before
Out building removal in progress at Dhamma Pakasa.

outbuilding after
Out building removal completed at Dhamma Pakasa.

username : oldstudent  
password : behappy

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This notice is sent to old students of Vipassana as taught by S.N. Goenka in the North American Old Student Contact Database. You may also receive occasional messages from centers and newsletters via this database. If you don't wish to be contacted please send an email with the word "remove" in the subject line to: [email protected]